The breast augmentation
Many people wonder about what a breast augmentation surgery is really.
Is it painful? What is the procedure? What is the recovery time after such a surgery?
The surgery of breast augmentation with implants has the scientific name of Mammary Augmentation.
A breast augmentation is used to enlarge the breasts by inserting breast implants (breast prostheses), while ensuring that the breasts appearance fits well with the rest of the body.

Surgical approaches
Regarding the incisions for the plastic cosmetic surgery of the breast…
There are three classic kinds of incisions to insert breast implants in breast augmentation:
- A mammary incision under the breast or infra-mammary,
- A mammary incision placed around the areola (nipple) or peri-areolar,
- A mammary incision placed through the armpit or trans-axillary.
Each implant is placed:
- Either directly under the breast (above the chest muscles),
- Or under a single muscle called Pectoralis Major (the most popular technique used),
- Or under several muscles (the technique we use).
As for the surgical technique used for breast augmentation, we favor a special technique known as mini-incision.
This approach was published and taught by Dr. Fanous.
According to this technique, a short incision of just 1.8 cm is placed under the breast.
The breast implant is inserted gently through this very small incision with fine instruments.
Thanks to this very small incision, the scar is usually well hidden in the crease below the breast.

The breast prosthesis?
The basic idea for a breast implant is simple:
A breast implant, or prosthesis, is composed of a thin outer shell which contains either a saline (salt water) liquid compound, or a silicone (viscous cohesive) gel.
Saline is the same fluid present in all human tissues.
In the case of a saline prosthesis rupture, the salt water escapes and is absorbed by the body safely.
As for the cohesive silicone gel implant, its consistency is softer and smoother than that of the salt water implant. However, the cohesive silicone gel implant is more expensive than the saline implant and requires a longer scar.
The ptosis
If the breasts, in addition to being small, are sagging (ptosis), it may be necessary to also do a breast lift, or mastopexy, while performing the breast augmentation.
The purpose of this breast lift is to raise the breast and nipple to a higher level.

The result?
For Dr. Nabil Fanous, the most important goal of a cosmetic plastic breast surgery, after the safety of his patients, is the natural appearance of the breasts once the surgery is completed.
Although the breasts are located at the heart of the body, they should remain neutral.
So a nicely operated breast must be discreet. It should not be too eye-catching.
This is when breast augmentation surgery comes into play: breast implants are used to modify the breasts in a non-exaggerated way.
Considering the importance of the breasts due to their positioning, the success of such an operation is crucial.
It is essential that breast surgery is done with, in mind, the overall harmony of the body.
All breast corrections with breast implants should remain natural.
It is important that the breasts do not seem obviously operated after surgery.
That is why small breast corrections often make a big difference, even though the change is discreet.
Many of the patients who consult us for a breast augmentation are encouraged by friends or family members who have had that same cosmetic surgery with Dr. Fanous.
Seeing the result on a person we know is one of the ways to assess the skills of a surgeon.
Call us for an appointment

The anesthesia?
Your breast augmentation will take place without general anesthesia.
Only local anesthesia combined with sedation in used.
The duration?
The plastic cosmetic surgery of breast augmentation is usually completed within an hour and a half.
The procedure day?
Patients can return home one to two hours following their breast augmentation.
A relative or a friend must accompany them.
If the patient comes from outside of Montreal, a service can be arranged for accommodation and supervision for the first night.
For our patients from Quebec, as well as for those from different parts of Canada and the USA, a telephone service is available to answer any of their questions during the recovery period.

The constraints?
The main restriction that must be met after a breast augmentation is to avoid strenuous physical activity or training for the next month.
The recovery time?
In general, you may need one to two weeks for recovery.
Patients usually feel comfortable returning to work one week following their surgery.
The bruises?
In most patients having undergone a breast augmentation in our clinic, bruises are not obviously noticeable by the one-week postoperative visit.
Breast augmentation Montreal – Call us at 514-935-5033

The risks of breast augmentation?
As is the case in other surgeries, there are rare complications that may be associated with the breast augmentation procedure, such as infection, allergic reactions, bleeding, aggressive scarring, capsular contracture, rupture of the implant, irregularities, calcifications, altered sensation, etc.
Our patients?
In Montreal, Dr. Fanous operates regularly patients from all over Quebec.
As well, he is consulted by many patients from all over Canada, the USA and the rest of the world.
Additional information for housing or nursing services is available at our office in Montreal during your first visit.
An experience without concern… is our goal!
The cost?
If you want to know how much the price of a plastic cosmetic surgery of breast augmentation, and how much it costs, contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email to get an approximate fees margin.
Your questions about breast augmentation?
Contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email today for answers to all your remaining questions (Montreal).
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