The peeling
The Controlled T.C.A. peeling is a chemical peel performed to treat facial spots and to improve the surface color, firmness and brightness of the skin.
It implies the application of a chemical called “trichloracetic acid” (T.C.A), to essentially burn and get rid of damaged skin cells on the surface and in the deep layers.
By removing many layers of damaged cells secondary to sun exposure and aging, the T.C.A peel refreshes the skin, giving it an even smooth surface and a homogeneous colour.
As well, a peel stimulates the skin to produce new collagen fibers in its deeper layers. This leads to improved skin laxity and texture, which are considered signs of youth and good looks.
Pores and scars are also improved.
Generally, the Controlled T.C.A. peeling is practiced by Dr. Fanous only once every four years.

The types
Depending on how deep its effect is on the skin, a peel may be classified into three categories:
Superficial peels
These peels are mild in their impact. They burn and stimulate only few superficial layers of the skin.
Moderate peels
These reach a little deeper into the skin than the superficial peels.
Deep peels
These are considered the most aggressive, but at the same time, the most effective type of peels. They reach the deepest layers of the skin, as well as the superficial and moderately deep layers above them.

The strength?
The power and impact of a peel depend on many criteria:
- The concentration of the acid used: the more concentrated the acid is, the deeper it can penetrate into the skin. As well, the burning of the cells is more intense with higher concentrations of the acid.
- The preparation of the skin prior to the peel: the skin surface may be rendered more absorbing to the acid if the skin has been exposed to certain creams, such as glycolic acid cream, for few weeks prior to the peel.
- The cleaning of the skin surface from oily secretions: using alcohol swabs over the skin surface immediately prior to the peel leads to the removal of the oily layer on the surface of the skin, allowing an easier penetration of the acid into it.
- The amount of acid used: the higher the quantity of acidic liquid used during the peel, the more the damaged skin layers will be injured and eventually replaced by newer cells.
- The number of layers the doctor paints the acid over the skin surface: spreading the acidic liquid over the surface of the skin is called a ‘pass’. The higher the number of ‘passes’ done during a peel, the more aggressive the peel effect is.
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The anesthesia?
Only local anesthesia is used topically by using anesthetic creams that numb the skin.
The preparation?
Before the peeling, the skin is prepared with different skin products (included with the treatment) for 4-8 weeks.
It is also crucial to protect the facial skin from sun exposure for at least 8 weeks prior to peeling.
The technique?
- The skin is disinfected and cleaned.
- An acidic product is applied in one or more layers over the skin.
- Once the desired depth of the peeling is reached, the process is completed.
- Cold compresses are used during the procedure.
- Only a little discomfort or heat are felt during the peeling.

The recovery time?
Depending on the peel type, the post-peel facial redness could vary from mild to pronounced. There might be a sensation of burning, between mild to moderate, similar to sunburn. The skin may start peeling and shedding its damaged layers slowly over a week or less.
The rejuvenated new skin usually looks pinkish in colour. In tanned skin individuals, the skin may acquire dark spots, called “inflammatory hyperpigmentation”. This condition is usually temporary and is due to inflammation secondary to the peel.
It is so important to avoid exposing your face to the sun for few months after the peel. Failing to do so will exacerbate the hyperpigmentation of the skin and may even turn it into a permanent complication.
In spite of the redness, edema and dark spots, you will be able to resume your normal regular types of activity.
Frequent showers, without using soaps or cleansers, are helpful during the recuperation period. They hydrate the skin and ease the burning sensation in the peeled areas.
Finally, during the first weeks after the peel, you should avoid picking at your skin. Doing so is very harmful to the healing skin, and could cause future scarring.
Make-up can often be resumed by the end of the first week. It is cautious not to try new make-up brand, since the skin may develop an allergy, which could complicate the recovery. Previously used make-up is almost always safe to use and should not irritate the skin or affect its healing.
To recapitulate, the main points to remember about your recovery after a peel are, in a nutshell:
- The skin becomes wrinkled, redder and darker, and can peel for a few days.
- Lukewarm showers are permitted.
- The redness and spots subside after 3-6 days in general.
- You feel comfortable throughout the recovery.
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The risks of peeling?
The complication rate is possible but low.
The risks include pigmentary problems (Hyperpigmentation, Hypopigmentation), redness, scarring, infection, etc.
The cost?
If you want to know how much the price of a “Controlled” TCA peel is, and how much it costs, contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email to get an approximate fees margin.
Your questions about peeling?
Contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email today for answers to all your remaining questions (Montreal).
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