The fat injections for the face
Many people wonder about what really is cosmetic plastic fat injection surgery for the cheeks, lips and wrinkles.
Is it painful? What is the procedure? What is the recovery time for such a surgery?
The surgery of fat injection for cheeks, lips and wrinkles has the scientific name of lipo-facial injection.
The injected fat has the goal of enhancing the volume of the cheeks and lips, as well as filling facial wrinkles.
The goal is to rejuvenate the face in a discreet way.

Surgical approaches
The augmentation of the cheeks, lips and face by fat injection, or lipo-injection, is a technique practiced in our clinic in Montreal for many years.
The fat injection, or lipo-injection, is used in order to increase the volume of the cheeks, lips and other parts of the face. It is also done to fill facial wrinkles.
To obtain the necessary fat, lipo-aspiration. or liposuction, of another body area (ex: knees, hips, etc.) is indicated.
Generally, the healing of the injected fat is satisfactory; it is however not possible to ensure that the volume of fat that has been transferred will take entirely. So, in about 10% of cases, the procedure may be repeated a second time a year later.
The results are considered sustainable after a period of 3 to 6 months following the surgery.

The result?
The most important concern for Dr. Nabil Fanous in the case of the cosmetic fat injection surgery of the face, after the safety of his patients, is the natural appearance of the face once the injection is completed.
So, the facial fat injection must be discreet. It should not attract attention.
The fat injection for augmenting the cheeks, lips and other parts of the face, as well as for filling facial wrinkles, is to change the face in a non-exaggerated way.
Considering the importance of the face, the success of such an operation is crucial.
It is essential that the fat injection surgery is made while taking the facial harmony into consideration.
Alteration or correction must remain subtle.
A look that does not seem to have been changed too much is what needs to be achieved. That is why a small correction of the cheeks, lips or wrinkles very often makes a huge difference even though the change is discreet.
Many patients who consult us about fat injections are encouraged by friends or family members who have had this same injection done by Dr. Fanous. Seeing the result on a person that we know is one of the ways to assess the skills of a surgeon.
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The anesthesia?
Your facial fat injections will be without general anesthesia.
Only local anesthesia and sedation are used.
The duration?
The cosmetic plastic surgery of facial fat injection is usually completed in one hour.
The procedure day?
Patients can go home an hour or two after the surgery. A relative or a friend must accompany them.
A telephone service is accessible for our Quebec patients, as well as for our patients form different parts of Canada and the USA, to answer any of their questions during the recovery period.

The constraints?
The main restriction that must be followed after a facial fat injection is to avoid strenuous physical activity or weight loss during the following month.
The recovery time?
The usual time necessary to recover is about two to three weeks.
Patients feel comfortable returning to work two to three weeks after the surgery.
The postoperative bruises?
Dr. Fanous practices known methods to reduce to the maximum the swelling after the surgical intervention.
For most patients who opt for a fat injection, the face will be swollen for two to three weeks.
In the majority of patients who undergo a facial fat injection, bruises are not too obvious during the post-operative visit two to three weeks after the surgery.
Fat injection for the face Montreal – Call us at 514-935-5033

The risks of fat injections for the face?
As in the case of other surgeries, there are rare complications that may be associated with the procedure of injecting fat to the face, such as infection, bleeding, allergic reactions, asymmetry, limited result, poor fat take, etc.
Our patients?
In Montreal, surgeon Dr. Fanous commonly operates patients from all over Quebec.
As well, he is consulted by many patients from the rest of Canada, the USA and the rest of the world.
An experience without concern… is our goal!
The cost?
If you want to know how much the price of a plastic facial fat injection surgery is, and how much it costs, contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email to get an approximate fees margin.
Your questions about fat injections for the face?
Contact us by phone at 514-935-5033 or by email today for answers to all your remaining questions (Montreal)
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